Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937)

Comfortable and always welcome, 1 August 2006

When I arrived home from work today, I found the Mr. Moto Collection waiting on me. I decided to watch the movies in order and start with the first in the series, Think Fast, Mr. Moto. It's the story of a diamond smuggling ring operating aboard a luxury liner between China and the U.S. The mysterious and ever present Mr. Moto is on hand to put a stop to the illegal activity. Think Fast, Mr. Moto is the kind of movie that's best enjoyed curled up on the couch late at night when you want to put your brain on hold and just be entertained. It's like that favorite old, ratty shirt – comfortable and always welcome. The plot in Think Fast, Mr. Moto may not make much sense (even after everything has been explained) but it's a lot fun. The film would hardly be as good without Peter Lorre in the title role. Unlike most everything I've see him in, Lorre gets the chance to be the hero here and is excellent in the role. The final cat and mouse game between Lorre and the always entertaining Sig Ruman is the highlight of the film (although I must admit that it's difficult to watch Ruman and not want to laugh as images of the Marx Brothers pulling off his toupee went through my head).

I can't wait to watch the other three films in the collection.


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