Monday, February 13, 2017

The Champions "A Case of Lemmings" #1.17 (1969) (TV)

Another good episode, 13 February 2017

After three seemingly unrelated Interpol agents commit suicide, Nemesis is asked to investigate. At first, Richard, Sharron, and Craig can't seem to find a connection. Why would three otherwise healthy and normal agents want to kill themselves? They soon discover a connection between the three – a mafia boss living in Rome. They're soon on his trail, dangling Craig as bait. Will Craig be the next suicide victim?

A Case of Lemmings is a very nice episode with an interesting plot. Not surprising, the show never gets into the specifics of the drug used to "force" these people the commit suicide, but it's all handled in a fairly believable manner. The method of delivery and the effect on the would-be victim are about what you'd expect from such a drug. Another point in the episode's favor is the equal time all three Champions are given. And, each plays a pivotal role as the story unfolds. These episodes are fairly rare, but always welcome. The supporting cast in A Case of Lemmings isn't as strong as some others I've seen. Edward Brayshaw has the largest role as the mafia boss. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem overly authentic and plays it more as a caricature of a mafia boss. The final scenes came as something of a surprise, but wrapped things up about as well as could be expected. Overall, I'll give it a 7/10.


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