Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014)

"Even the Sharknadoes are tougher in New York."5 September 2017

In Sharknado 2: The Second One, there's not just one tornado full of sharks, there are three. This time, the sharknados are bearing down on New York. The fear is that the three sharknados will combine into one mega-sharknado. Fortunately for everyone in New York, Fin Shepard (Ian Ziering) has just arrived and he has a plan to defeat the sharknados. 

These Sharknado movies have to be some of the dumbest things ever put on film. Still, they're so ridiculous they can be fun in that "so bad it's good" sort of way. You can't think too hard about the physics, biology, meteorology, or any other science behind the film's concept or your brain might explode. You just gotta go with it. This one probably isn't as good as the first as it loses points for lack of originality. The surprise factor is completely gone. This lack of originality means that, unfortunately, some of the movie can be dull. How many times can Ian Ziering go completely through a shark with a chainsaw and it still feel fresh? Number 2 includes a steady stream of cameos which, regardless of how you feel about it, helps make for a few funny bits. My favorite had to be Robert Hays in the beginning of the film. Pretty neat seeing him again – and flying a plane. A few of the cameos were, however, super annoying. I could have done without the Today Show cameos altogether. Finally, a couple of other bits, while not exactly original, were enjoyable. My personal fav was Tara Reed attaching the circular saw to her stump and slicing a flying shark in half. Pretty cool. Overall, Sharknado 2: The Second One is okay, but nothing great. A very average 5/10 seems fair to me.

Finally, I'm sure that older folks like me watched Ziering's character run across the floating sharks and immediately thought of the same scene from the Bond movie Live and Let Die. It was silly back then and is just as silly now.


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