Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Lucy (2014)

"Time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to the existence of matter. Without time, we don't exist."22 November 2017

Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) gets mixed up with a group of ruthless drug smugglers. Still trying to process what's actually going on, she wakes to discover the smugglers have sewn a packet of a new drug into her stomach. Before she can deliver the drugs, however, the packet busts open, releasing the powerful drug into her system. The drug's effect is an ever increasing utilization of her brain. Soon, Lucy is capable of manipulating matter and energy with her mind. She contacts a renowned scientist for assistance. She realizes that the drug will kill her within 24 hours and she wants to pass on the knowledge she's gained. But the smugglers are intent on getting their drugs back. They follow Lucy half way round the world for a final showdown.

Overall, Lucy is a fantastically entertaining film. The action is nice with plenty of fights, gun battles, and car chases. The direction from Luc Besson couldn't be much better. He keeps things moving at a very lively pace. The acting is also superb. Scarlett Johansson proves once again that a woman can be successful as the lead in an action oriented film. And Johansson does an excellent job portraying the changes to Lucy as the drug changes her brain. Nicely done. The supporting cast is also solid. I particularly enjoyed the performance of Amr Waked as the bewildered French policeman who helps Lucy in her journey. Another highlight for me has to be the special effects. Just amazing. Finally, even though things do get a bit messy and even rushed toward the end (this is my biggest complaint), I still had fun with it. The time travel bits were especially moving.

I really like and appreciate the message I got out of Lucy. Being a father of two boys and getting older each day, I too sometimes feel that the only real commodity of any value that I have is time. Time to spend with my wife and kids, time to do things I enjoy, time to live my life – that's what's important. It's not material objects or anything else. It's the limited time we each have on this Earth.

Finally, if you read comments on Lucy, you'll sooner rather than later run into criticism of the scientific errors made by the film. People love to point them out. I honestly didn't have any problem with the film's scientific realism. It's a movie – I wasn't expecting a science lesson. I accepted the scientific mumbo-jumbo just as I would in any sci-fi film. In the reality in which the films is set, it all makes sense. In our reality, it doesn't. I went with it and didn't let it affect my overall entertainment.


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