Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Queen Kong (1976)

Huh???, 10 July 2005

The less said about this steaming pile of dung, the better. It's hard to imagine that someone actually put up the money to finance this. What was the pitch? "Oh, we're making a King Kong spoof with women in all the roles previously done by men. And instead of Fay Wray, we're going to put a man in that role. And, here's the best part, his character's name is Ray Fay!" I'll never understand how anyone could find any of this remotely entertaining. It's meant to be funny, but none of the jokes work. Add to that some of the worst song and dance numbers ever filmed and Queen Kong becomes one of the worst films I've ever seen.

But, I can't rate it a 1/10. I have to give it a point just for the casting of Valerie Leon.


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