Saturday, December 4, 2010

Return to the Planet of the Apes "River of Flames" #1.13 (1975) (TV)

Thanks, Urko, 14 April 2008

I guess I'll begin this with the now standard episode number disclaimer. What IMDb lists as Episode 13 is actually Episode 7. I'm not sure why the episodes originally aired out of order, but the series' story arc makes more sense if you follow the episode order of the DVD set.

Anyway, in "River of Flames", a hologram of Judy makes an unexpected appearance. Judy asks Jeff and Bill to bring her the laser they salvaged form the spaceship. The Underdwellers need it to create holes in the side of their mountain hideout to vent the rising lava. But before Jeff and Bill can do this, General Urko finds their laser and takes it. Now Jeff and Bill will have to figure out a way to get their laser back if they are to save Judy and the Underdwellers.

Overall, "River of Flames" is pretty much an average episode. The highlights include Urko getting the laser and Jeff and Bill's plan to get it back. It was also really cool how Urko accidentally provided the venting of the volcano when he shelled the mountain. One thing that bugged me was Jeff and Bill's reaction to seeing Judy. They've gone several episodes without even mentioning her name and now all of a sudden they're hell-bent on getting her out alive. Finally, I'm interested in seeing how Jeff and Bill's relationship with Krador changes now that they've done something good for him and his people.


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