Saturday, July 31, 2010

Who Done It? (1942)

One of my favorite A&C films, 21 February 2006

I've been an A&C fan since I was very young. Back in the early 70s, one of the local television stations featured a steady diet of their films each afternoon. I can't remember if Who Done It? was part of their rotation, but I now consider it among my two or three favorite A&C films. A&C were at the top of their game at the time this movie was made. And even though the boys were already recycling material from their other films as early as 1942, the comedy stills feels fairly fresh and innovative. Some of the comedy highlights for me in Who Done It? include the "Limburger Cheese" and "Two Dimes for a Nickel" skits. Both work really well.

In Who Done It?, the boys find themselves mixed-up in a murder at a radio station. And that is precisely why I'm such a fan of this movie – the murder mystery. I'm a real sucker for 40s murder mysteries. I might have actually enjoyed the movie even more had the comedy been cut back and the mystery been given even more of a spotlight. As it is, some of the meatier aspects of the story are given little more than lip service and keeps me from rating Who Done It? even higher than I already have.

Another key ingredient to the success of Who Done It? is the supporting cast. Anytime you see Mary Wickes name listed on a cast roster, you know she'll deliver a solid performance. She may not have been much to look at, but she was a great character actress with wonderful comedic timing. The rest of the supporting cast is above average with performances by Patric Knowles, Louise Allbritton, and William Bendix worth mentioning.


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