Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Gorgon (1964)

A wonderfully unique Hammer offering, 7 March 2008

I simply do not understand why The Gorgon (like a lot of the other lesser known Hammer movies) isn't available on a legitimate Region 1 DVD. It's ridiculous. Admittedly, The Gorgon is an unusual horror movie. The story of a mythical creature able to turn men to stone with just her gaze is not your normal horror fare. And the movie isn't full of marketable blood and jump scares. Instead, The Gorgon is a slow paced, atmospheric chiller that I find terribly entertaining and one of the more unique movies Hammer ever made.

The Gorgon has so much going for it that I can't imagine it not being a favorite of any Hammer fan. To begin with, there's always something special about watching Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing working together. Even though their shared screen-time is limited, it's still a treat. The rest of the acting is quite good, especially the conflicted and beautiful Carla played by Barbara Shelley. Shelley really doesn't get near enough credit for her performance in this movie. Beyond the acting, The Gorgon is a movie filled with terrific atmosphere thanks to John Gilling's screenplay and Terence Fisher's direction. There's a real sense of unease running through the movie. The music further adds to the atmosphere. Megara's eerie but beautiful call is memorable long after the movie is over. There's just something mesmerizing about it. The lighting, sets, and cinematography are all some of the best you'll find in a Hammer production. The movie looks far better than you would expect. Finally, even though the special effects seem to always be a focal point of criticism, I quite enjoy the Gorgon's look. What some call cheap and tacky looking, I call fun. It's always a blast for me when Megara makes her entrance. In fact, I've got more of a problem with Christopher Lee's sad looking make-up than I do with the Gorgon's appearance.


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