Monday, February 6, 2017

Voodoo Man (1944)

"I have a good mind to report you to the Chamber of Commerce!", 22 July 2015

Voodoo Man may not be a "good" movie, but if your a fan of classic horror, it's a must see. The draw here is Bela Lugosi, George Zucco, and John Carradine in the same movie. The plot goes something like this: Zucco runs a gas station and intentionally gives young women the wrong directions so Carradine can kidnap the women for use as guinea pigs in Lugosi's voodoo ceremonies. Lugosi is trying to bring his wife back from the dead using the women's essence or life-force. It's not great, but it's enjoyable enough hokum. Be warned, however, this is a low-budget Monogram film, directed by one-shot William Beaudine.

A few things I enjoyed include: the voodoo ritual has to be seen to be believed with our three stars all getting into the act; Carradine leering at and stroking the hair of the kidnapped women; the glee in Zucco's eyes as he gives the women incorrect directions; the local sheriff who seems more put-out that he's missing his dinner than concerned about the rash of missing women; Carradine's ridiculous running style (a real hoot); and all the other nonsense. As I've said, this isn't great filmmaking, but it's fun.


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