Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Defenders (2017)

I enjoyed the series, but consider it a missed opportunity for something great23 August 2017

So far, I've enjoyed every one of the Marvel/Netflix efforts. Some more than others, but overall, they're an entertaining bunch of programs. Since it was announced, I have been anxiously awaiting The Defenders. I had high hopes that by combining the four heroes, you'd end up with something amazing. You'd end up with the best Marvel/Netflix program yet. And though I think The Defenders is better than about 90% of what's classified as entertainment in today's world, it's most likely the weakest of the bunch.

As my rating indicates, I liked it – but it's far from perfect. Instead of going into what worked for me, I'll instead focus on two things that really hurt the show. First, there are too many secondary characters. With only eight episodes, there's no way Trish or Clare or Malcolm or Karen or any of the others were ever going to get the same screen time they got when introduced. Instead, the makers of the show decided to cram them all in at the same time. And putting them all in the police station may have been convenient, but it's ridiculous. It doesn't work at all. None of these characters gets a chance to shine. Second, the baddies are extremely weak and bring nothing new to the series. The best example of this is Sigourney Weaver. What does she really do other than talk, eat, and get her head cut off? Answer – Nothing. I kept waiting for her to do more, but it never happened. And we've seen The Hand before and know exactly what to expect and what they're capable of. Other than Goa's really cool fighting abilities, they're the same old villains we've seen any number of times in the Marvel/Netflix world. I wanted something new and different.

So, overall I enjoyed the series, but consider it a missed opportunity for something great. If I had to rate the Marvel/Netflix series today, this is the order I would put them in: Jessica Jones (the Purple Man was just so cool); Daredevil - S1; Luke Cage; Daredevil - S2; Iron Fist; The Defenders


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