Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses (2014)
More of the same, but funnier, 22 July 2015
If you saw Danny Trejo play Frank Vega in the first Bad Ass, then you probably know what to expect from Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses. While I don't think it's quite as good overall, this one is funnier. Trejo is joined by Danny Glover. Together, they make a mean, geriatric, fighting machine. Just the sight of these two guys together is enough to bring a smile to my face - Trejo in his now familiar blue t-shirt, cameo jacket, khaki shorts, and white tennis shoes and socks with Glover wearing a yellow t-shirt, green Adidas track suite, white tennis shoes, and rainbow headband. And they play off each other nicely, constantly making fun of the other's age and medical conditions. A plus for Bad Ass 2 is Andrew Divoff as chief baddie Leandro Herrera. Divoff always plays a fantastic heavy. Yeah, fight choreography is a bit weak, special effects are pretty bad, and there are moments that defy belief (a grenade nonchalantly thrown from a car into a helicopter), but it's all done in with a sense of humor.
In this one, Vega is helping young men get off the streets by teaching them to box. One of his prize boxers, however, gets mixed up with some drug dealers and gets himself killed. With the help of his reluctant friend, Bernie, Vega sets out to avenge the young man's death and clean up the streets.
I realize Bad Ass 2 isn't a "good" movie by most people's standards. But if you don't take it too seriously, it's not half bad.
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