Sunday, February 5, 2017

Bounty Killer (2013)

"You guys gonna keep smootchin', or do you wanna go shoot some people?", 11 July 2015

Bounty Killer put a smile on my face from ear to ear. I don't know when the last time I went into a movie blind and came out so satisfied. As for the plot - well in all honesty, there's just enough plot to keep the movie interesting. All you really need to know is that in the post-apocalyptic future, bounty hunters are the heroes, searching out the corporate white-collar types responsible for the world's destruction. Our film's heroes, Mary Death and a man known only as Drifter are out for the fame and the cash that come with the job.

I'm finding it difficult to write about the movie without sounding like a 12 year-old fan-girl gushing about the latest boy band. It's just a blast! If you're looking for a futuristic film grounded in reality, look elsewhere. This one is a high energy, no excuses good time. Over-the-top action, insane chase scenes, weapons of every kind, spewing blood, and some the coolest characters you can find - that's what you'll find in Bounty Killer. Speaking of characters, Mary Death has to be one of the most bad-ass women ever put on screen. She's amazing! And I never expected to see Gary Busey pop-up in a small, but nice cameo. Good stuff! When you think about the limited budget director Henry Saine had to work with, Bounty Killer is even more amazing. I'm not familiar with his work, but this is a movie I would expect to see from someone like Robert Rodriguez. It's that good! And, Bounty Killer even has a similar vibe to a movie like Rodriguez's Machete - a fun action movie that doesn't take itself seriously. Everything is larger than life and done with a wink to the audience.

I could literally go on and on, but I'm having trouble coming up with superlatives to describe the movie without endlessly repeating myself. If you can't tell, I loved it.


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