Sunday, February 5, 2017

Tangled Destinies (1932)

Nice old, dark house murder mystery, 10 July 2015

A plane headed for California is forced to land 300 miles short of its destination due to storms. The passengers find an abandoned house near to where the plane came down and move in for the night. Including the crew, there are 13 people in the house. Soon, however, there will only be 12 as one is murdered for a bag of diamonds. An undercover detective, whose job it was to protect the diamonds, takes on the investigation. With plenty of suspects, a raging storm, and electricity that keeps going out, can he find the missing diamonds and, more importantly, the killer? 

Tangled Destinies is a nice, little, old dark house murder mystery. It's the kind of movie I enjoy curling up with late on a stormy night. Sure, it's got a few problems, but most of these are a product of its age and limited budget. If you're a fan of these older, low budget films, you know what to expect. At times the movie can be stagey, but it has a much better flow than similar movies I've seen. Acting is all over the place. Some of the actors are good, others act as if they've never been in a talking film before - and maybe they hadn't. Likewise, characters range from likable to loathsome (the attorney was so annoying). The film's solution is satisfying and, in all honesty, I should have seen it coming. Overall, a nice way to spend an hour.


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