Monday, February 6, 2017

Danger Man "The Gallows Tree" #1.23 (1961) (TV)

Drake looks for a dead man, 10 July 2015

John Drake's Mission: Discover if a enemy agent, thought to have been dead for ten years, is actually alive and living in northern Scotland. It seems his fingerprint turned up in a stolen car.

After a couple sub-par (well, sub-par by Danger Man standards) episodes it's nice to see things getting back on track. I found The Gallows Tree to be very entertaining. The The twist at the end was nicely played - at least I didn't see it coming. The location shots are quite nice, as is the supporting cast. The cast, by the way, is filled with a slew of long-time British character actors. Overall, an excellent way to spend about 25 minutes.

I just noticed that this episode was remade into one of the later hour long episodes. I'm looking forward to checking that out at some point.


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