Monday, February 6, 2017

Danger Man "Sabotage" #1.28 (1961) (TV)

Drake goes to work for an airline, 20 July 2015

John Drake's Mission: Several planes have gone missing (actually, they blew-up) over an unstable area of South East Asia. Drake offers to help the airline's owner, an old friend, with the investigation by going undercover as a steward. Drake discovers a smuggling ring that may also be responsible for the planes' disappearances.

Overall, Sabotage is a decent episode. While the plot takes a bit of time to get up to speed, it's all interesting and entertaining enough. The final twist is very nicely handled. The method Drake uses to coheres a confession is such fun to watch. My only real complaint (and I realize this is just a matter of taste) is that I've never cared for Drake's drunk act. McGoohan is a good actor, but he's not particularly convincing as a drunk - more annoying than anything else. Finally, it's refreshing to see an episode set in an Asian country where all the Asian characters are played by actual Asians - no yellow-face.


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