Sunday, February 5, 2017

Honey West "Just the Bear Facts, Ma'am" #1.28 (1966) (TV)

Honey and the Movies, 13 July 2015

Honey and Sam go undercover on a movie set to investigate the mysterious death of a stunt woman. Was it an accident or was it murder?

Just the Bear Facts, Ma'am continues the run of poor Honey West episodes. First, instead of real dialogue, the writers gave Honey and Sam a series of ridiculous one-liners and puns. A woman has been killed and they're cutting jokes non-stop. It's ridiculous. Second, speaking of ridiculous, the bear costume in this episode is just as bad as the gorilla a couple of episodes ago. Third, the dream sequence was poorly done. I'm not sure what it's purpose is other than to beat Honey over the head with the solution to the case. Subtle it's not.

Also, I find it incredibly ironic that Honey is playing a stunt double in this episode when I've complained numerous times about the stunt double used for Honey.

For this episode's Name That Character Actor, I'll go with Frank Wilcox. While I remember him most from The Beverly Hillbillies, he had a long career that includes 334 acting credits.


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