Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Honey West "There's a Long, Long, Fuse A'Burning" #1.29 (1966) (TV)

Honey and the Bomb, 13 July 2015

Honey and Sam are hired by an ex-con to discover who is copying his old style to pull off a series of robberies.

I'm glad to be finished going through this stretch of Honey West episodes. Beginning at about #122, it's a bad stretch without one episode that I would call "good". There's a Long, Long, Fuse A'Burning may be slightly better, but I've probably overrated it with my 5/10. My problem with this one - it's boring. I didn't find Honey's case very exciting. And it doesn't help matters that the real criminal is way too easy to spot. Very poor writing. Finally, I thought the crowds' reaction to bombs exploding was unrealistic and hysterical. Why in God's name would you run toward an explosion instead of away from it? 

For the episode's Name That Character Actor, I'm going with Leonard Bremen and his 150 acting credits.


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