Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Danger Man "The Dead Man Walks" #1.38 (1961) (TV)

Drake composes a love letter, 4 August 2015

John Drake's Mission: Drake is sent to India to find a scientist thought to be dead. The scientist was part of team that discovered a very dangerous bacterial agent that someone may be using in experiments. 

The Dead Man Walks is a below average episode. There's not a lot of action - mostly Drake following and speaking with an Indian woman. There's also more padding than usual. It may have taken me 38 episodes, but I've finally figured out that all of Drake's scenes with Hardy are filler. Some are more entertaining than others, but they're still filler. The acting is okay. The Dead Man Walks includes Michael Ripper and a host of other British actors trying to pass themselves off as Indians. And, some of the sets look incredibly cheap. The jungle Drake walks though is full of plastic plants. 

Overall, 4/10 is the best I can do.


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