Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Champions "Twelve Hours" #1.13 (1968) (TV)

Richard and Sharron go underwater, 3 December 2015

Richard and Sharron are asked to serve as bodyguards for an Eastern European leader, Drobnic, and his wife. Their schedule of activities while in the UK includes a submarine tour and ride. Richard and Sharron are unaware of the fact that a group hostile to Drobnic have placed explosives on the sub. The explosives are detonated sending the stricken sub to the bottom. With a limited oxygen supply, The Champions have just 12 hours to save everyone on board.

As my rating clearly indicates, I do not agree with the other IMDb reviewer when it comes to Twelve Hours. My biggest problem: I found much of the plot rather boring. After a great set-up where the terrorists plant the explosives, it doesn't work too well for me. The attempts to create suspense and drama felt forced. For example, after the sub sinks, almost every crew member immediately begins calling for Richard's head. None act as if they've received crises or disaster training. In reality, I would think more would have been on Richard's side. It all has a very manufactured type feeling to it. As a result, I cannot call Twelve Hours anything better than average - hence my average 5/10 rating.


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