Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster (1966)
- Gojira, Ebirâ, Mosura: Nankai no daiketto
Godzilla Does Red Lobster, 18 March 2007
I never thought I would find a Godzilla movie where Godzilla was the weakest part of the film. In most these movies, the various scenes not involving Godzilla could generally be considered filler. They're there to pad out the film until Godzilla shows up and usually aren't very good. The filler in Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster isn't any better or worse than any of the other Godzilla movies (though I must admit to enjoying the James Bond vibe and the groovy dance party), but it's better than Godzilla's moments on the screen. The problem is that Big G doesn't get the chance to do much. This is Toho "on the cheap". The usual rampage through the city is gone. It was cheaper to have Godzilla destroy a mostly deserted island with only a small science/military facility than it was to build an entire city of miniatures. And the few miniatures to be found don't even looks up to snuff. When not trampling the cheap miniatures, Godzilla spends an inordinate amount of time just sitting. That right – sitting! And when he does finally do battle with the sea monster of the title, it's not much of a match. In no time at all, Godzilla rips off the overgrown lobster's claws and its over. Almost 90 minutes to see this non-event – what a waste!
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