Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monsters vs Aliens (2009)

"Boys, set the terror level at code brown, 'cause I need to change my pants.", 23 April 2009

Last weekend, I took my 6 year-old son to see the 3-D version of Monsters vs Aliens. For a user comment on the movie, I thought I would do something a little different and interview him to get his thoughts.

Me: So, what did you think of Monsters vs Aliens? Son: Good (Let me explain a little about his one word answer. My son is a very articulate, bright little boy. But for some reason, when it comes to using positive adjectives, he seems to only know one – "Good". And he uses it alone – no subject or verb as in "It was good" – just "Good". The only problem is that to my son, "Good" is used to describe anything from an ice cream cone to a trip to Disney World. What did you think about that pizza? Answer - Good. How was school today? Answer - Good. What would you think if I gave you a million dollars? Answer – Good. So take his "Good" as you will.)

Me (trying to drag something else out of him): What was your favorite part? Son: When Ginormica was busting through the wall.

Me: Was any of the movie funny? Son: Yes – It was funny when Bob got stepped on.

Me: What did you think of the 3-D effects? Son: Good. (See what I mean?)

Me: Would you recommend it to your friends at school? Son: Yes, it was really good (What? Really good? Where did that come from?).

There you have it – a succinct review from a reasonably typical 6 year-old kindergärtner.

As for me, the movie was only okay. The 3-D effects were often breathtaking. And some of the comedy hit the mark. I especially enjoyed Hugh Laurie as Dr. Cockroach. But the plot was overly simple and very predictable. There were few if any surprises. And I really didn't like the way the monsters were used. They were often little more than comic relief and had no real purpose. So while my son may say "Good", I say "Average". A 5/10 from me.


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