Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jonny Quest "A Small Matter of Pygmies" #1.13 (1964) (TV)

A "new" episode for me, 20 December 2008

Race, Jonny, and Hadji are forced to land their plane in the middle of the jungle. Once on the ground, they discover an angry tribe of pygmies who seem to only want to see them dead.

Wow – I thought I had seen every episode of Jonny Quest. For whatever reason, I never watched A Small Matter of Pygmies as a kid and I must have skipped over it back when I first went through the DVD set. It's pretty cool to make this "discovery".

As for the episode, it's not bad at all. I enjoyed it much more than the previous two. The pygmies present a real threat to Jonny and the gang. There's a sense of danger about them as they trap Race, Jonny, and Hadji on top of the mountain and begin making their advance like a single, mindless killing machine. Even though I knew the guys would somehow escape, I got caught up in the story and found it worked for me. One thing that troubled me was the malfunctioning aircraft plot device. How many times do they use that in Jonny Quest? To be as smart and resourceful as the Quest Team is, they're terrible when it comes to regular aircraft maintenance.


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